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Weather-Proof Mifare Handle

HL1000-MF is a highly resistant weather-proof Mifare read/write reader. Made of stainless steel, it has a unique design with high sensitivity.  The Mifare reader reads cards within a range of 3 cm distance.


It supports Mifare Classic 1K and 4K memory cards. It can store up to 3500 events in its memory and 500 cards in its blacklist, with unlimited user capacity.


Features Specifications Support Related products

XPR / Solutions / OFFLine Access / Mifare Locks /



Highly resistant

Its Mifare read/write reader is specially designed to be weather-proof and resistant to any adverse weather conditions.

Unlimited user capacity

It can be used by as many users as you want, as long as they have their authorized Mifare cards.
The HL1000-MF can store also up to 3500 events and 500 cards in its blacklist.

Easy configuration

The HL1000-MF can be easily configured with either our PROH-MS or PROA-MS software, via USB connection or by creating programming cards with a USB desktop reader.

4 opening options

There are 4 handle options, each one with a reference, depending on how you would like to open the door:

-A) HL1000-MF-PL-L: Left handle - Pull the door
-B) HL1000-MF-PL-R: Right handle - Pull the door
-C) HL1000-MF-PS-L: Left handle - Push the door
-D) HL1000-MF-PS-R: Right handle - Push the door


User capacity: Unlimited
Card type: Mifare Classic 1K, 4K
Material: 304 Stainless steel, 2 mm
Door thickness range: 32 - 55 mm
Lock release time: 1-255 s or Toggle (ON/OFF) Mode
Power supply: 4xAA 1.5V, Alkaline battery, 6V
Opening cycles: Up to 60,000
Encryption: Yes
Software support: PROH-MS, PROA-MS
Events memory: 3500 events
Blacklist capacity: 500
Event collection: By Event Collect Card or via USB
Configuration: By software with USB connection or programming cards created using software and USB desktop reader
Credit on card: Yes
Low battery warning: Multiple beeps and red-light flash after the lock is activated
IP rating: IP65
Humidity: 95% without condensation
Operating temperature: -20°C to +50°C
Dimensions (mm): 29 cm long, 6 cm wide escutcheon
HL1000-MF-PS-R: Right handle – to push
HL1000-MF-PS-L: Left handle – to push
HL1000-MF-PL-R: Right handle – to pull
HL1000-MF-PL-L: Left handle – to pull
* All product specifications are subject to change without notice.


  • Download HL1000-MF Manual_vc2- DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL
  • Download HL1000-MF Data Sheet - EN
  • Download HL1000-MF Drilling template
  • Download Last firmware versions of the reader are distributed with software PROA MS